Snow Hunters by Paul Yoon Chapters 14, 15 & 16

Everyone in this novel develops connections with people, but then loses those people. Bia had a connection with Santi, but then he left town because he was too distraught over Kiyoshi’s death. A lot of people have died in this novel, including Peng, Kiyoshi, and the sailor. Bia always comes back to town and leaves. Sometimes Yohan is not sure if she is actually back because he thinks he hears her voice and sees her, but then she disappears. Instead of writing that Yohan just follows her and tries to find her, Yoon uses a beautiful description on page 175 by saying, “He followed the curve of her bare shoulders. The beat of her sandals on the cobblestone. Then she was gone.” This is beautiful because he uses the word “beat” to describe the sound of her sandals as they hit the ground, when he could have just said steps or something simple. A beat is a rhythmic sound in poetry and music, so the use of this word makes it seem like Bia has a rhythmic and musical vibe to her. Yoon’s word choice make the narrator’s storytelling more appealing to readers. The fact that Bia always leaves but comes back leaves hope for readers because it leads us to think that this is a companionship that may last. Everyone in Yohan’s life seems to leave him. Even though Bia was taken care of by the townspeople, she had a connection with Santi who was also an orphan. It is assumed that Bia probably goes in and out of Yohan’s life because she is afraid of attachment because of all the tragedies that have happened. However, it is comforting to see that she does care about Yohan and their connection seems to be very strong. Yahoo’s life has been about wars and death, but Bia gives him a sense of romance that he never had. This is shown on page 182 where it says, “She traced the outline of his crooked nose and the scar. She placed her lips against his eyelid. Then, releasing him, she moved to his other eye. The gesture was light, almost hesitant.” This gesture shows that Bia sees Yohan in a romantic way. Even though both of them have lost people in the past, they still have each other and their connection is very real.


One thought on “Snow Hunters by Paul Yoon Chapters 14, 15 & 16

  1. “Sometimes Yohan is not sure if she is actually back because he thinks he hears her voice and sees her, but then she disappears. Instead of writing that Yohan just follows her and tries to find her, Yoon uses a beautiful description on page 175 by saying, “He followed the curve of her bare shoulders. The beat of her sandals on the cobblestone. Then she was gone.” This is beautiful because he uses the word “beat” to describe the sound of her sandals as they hit the ground, when he could have just said steps or something simple. A beat is a rhythmic sound in poetry and music, so the use of this word makes it seem like Bia has a rhythmic and musical vibe to her.”

    Very good, Camilla. It’s also poignant because that sound is all he has left of her as she’s leaving. He follows the curve of her shoulders when he can see that curve, and when it’s gone, he listens to the beat of her sandals. We are made to experience every second of her departure with him.


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